
Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Picture Mantel

I thought I'd share my fireplace mantel because I'm linking up to "52 Mantels" which I discovered through "5 Days....5 Ways".  This is the link, if you want to browse through some wonderful mantels--Click Here.  I just LOVE the blogging world!  It's like a game of dominoes.  You click on one blog only to discover tons more fantastic blogs and when you view those blogs, there's more....and more....and more!  So, this is just a short post to share my Picture Mantel. 

I have a 12 foot long mantel---yes--12 feet!  I've tried to only decorate the center of it, but then I go crazy and I'm decorating the whole length of it!  I need to add more books (or something) to raise some of the pictures a bit higher.  I don't know what it is, but it's missing something.  Is it too much, maybe?   If you have any ideas, whatsoever, I'd love to hear them.  Also, I need a bigger wreath, I think, but I'll wait until it's closer to spring.  For now, this will do.  

Thanks for looking, my blogger friends,

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